HSMP Forum’s Press Release


Govt’s plan for a U-turn on student visas
reveals fallibility of immigration cap


Dt – 10th July 2012

The UK Government seems to be mulling over relaxing the rules on student visas and exempting them from the net migration numbers, and it only shows the conservative-led government’s shoddy way of handling immigration in the country.

The HSMP forum has always maintained that students are valuable assets to the country’s economy just like other immigrants. However, the government applied a blanket rule to cap immigration numbers. The result is for everyone to see; a policy gone horribly wrong forcing the government to retract its steps and make amends while suffering a loss of face before the public.

The Conservative Party pledged to cut the net migration to below 100,000 by the next general election in 2015 and plans to show a drop in immigration numbers simply by leaving out students while announcing some strict interview rules for those applying to study in the UK. While it is obvious that students form the largest chunk of the migration figures, it reveals the government’s desperate attempts to achieve their ambitious and impractical targets.

Amit Kapadia, the executive director of HSMP forum said, “Who are they trying to fool by dressing up the figures? It is quite obvious that they are trying to keep up a brave face despite making a grave error of underestimating the value of foreign students to Britain’s economy. Similarly, they should have the foresight to consider all issues pertaining to immigration instead of just concerning themselves to reducing the number of non-EU people entering the country. In days to come, we may see more such U-turns. Migrants need Britain as much as Britain needs them. If the government keeps sending wrong messages to prospective international students and skilled migrants then it is going to harm the British economy in the long run.”






 Notes for the editor;

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email - info@hsmpforum.org / amit@hsmpforumltd.com

HSMP Forum is a not-for-profit organisation and bears its origins to the UK's Highly Skilled Migrant Programme, which was introduced in 2002. It was formed after the 2006 decision by Government to apply new qualifying criteria for existing Highly Skilled Migrants. HSMP Forum has been lobbying the legislature, executive and the judiciary by challenging unfair policies to Skilled Migrants to work and settle in the UK. The aim of the organisation is to support and assist migrants under the world-renowned British principles of fair play, equality and justice and believes in challenging any unfair policies, which undermine the migrants’ interests.

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