Statements of some of those affected by the April 2006 Indefinite Leave to Remain changes - HSMP Forum


Dr Ramnik Mathur, a training paediatrician said “I and my wife, a General Practitioner gave up our careers and settled life in India when the UK Government promised that we would be given settlement after 4 years qualifying stay in UK . We established our careers, bought properties and made investments in Britain . But when we applied for settlement after 4 years we have been refused and rather asked to leave the country or face deportation. My wife is 8 months pregnant and we have 1 young kid. Our relatives, friends and colleagues are astonished to see the way we are treated by the Home Office. We have been paying taxes, national insurance and made significant contribution in UK and are being unfairly treated.”

Zahir Shaikh “Due to the changes of ILR from 4-5 years as an Artist it has affected me the most. I had to undergo a lot of torture at work and could not raise my voice due to the fear of loosing my job. I was finally made redundant and as my visa validity was less it was very difficult for me to get another job. 

I have spent 15 years of my artistic career and I am facing a situation where I need to start all over again. I sacrificed my successful career in my home country to share my artistic skills at an international level and that is how I chose Britain as my home and now I am left with not many options and do not feel secure. Along with me my family is also suffering due to the delay in settlement. My son's education and upbringing is also affected.

Dr.Anuradha Sunil, a General Practitioner has been living in the UK since August 2002 says “I joined the HSMP programme in June 2004. The delay of settlement made my and my family’s future uncertain and unpredictable. My husband refused to move to the UK as there were frequent changes introduced into the HSMP programme and many more in the pipeline towards ILR and citizenship. He is fearful about planning our future life in the UK seeing several families being deported. As a result of this, we are living as separated family. This has created severe mental anguish and stress in my family life. My child is also very much affected emotionally. These changes have put severe restrictions in my plans towards work and buying property.”

Sayedur Rahman who migrated to UK in October 2005 said “I had the option to go to Canada as migrant and my application was granted by the Canadian Immigration Authority but decided to come to UK to be a citizen of UK and to make my home in UK.

I am really frustrated the way I and my family are being treated by the Home Office as I was promised ILR after 4 years but HO changed the rules in April 2006 which has affected our plans. I was planning to get a professional degree (Shipping) after ILR which has been delayed now and also I am unable to get a mortgage, better education for my daughters due to exorbitant overseas student fees.

Besides, I am the only son of my parents (retired and ill) and I cannot bring them here to live with me as per present rules as I can only bring them after obtaining my ILR.

Dr Amaresh Swaro “I was due to get ILR in August'08. As the government has moved goalpost contradicting original HSMP contract, I find myself in a difficult situation. I am a doctor in training. I'll finish the rigorous training next year after taking examinations which are very costly. I'm unsure with recent and upcoming changes if I'll be able to get a job or not. I'm also worried what the banks are going to tell me when I'm due for re-mortgage next year. I have a family to support which includes two small children. I am very worried about my and my family's future. I have been a law abiding citizen, worked hard and paid my taxes. I have left a career and a lot of property in my home country and invested heavily in making a career in UK. I feel let down by the government.” 

Surjit Singh “I am one of the HSMP applicant who has been affected by April'2006 changes for ILR from 4 to 5 years. I remember the day when I signed the declaration (agreement with Home Office) that as far as I will remain economically active in UK for 4 years, I will be applying for ILR irrespective of any immigration rules change. But this ILR change (April 2006 changes in ILR) has ruined my life not only financially but mentally and morally. Anyone can imagine how hard is the decision to uproot a well stable career at back home and especially with big family including graduate children. But I did it and I am afraid, I didn’t get any reward, instead, I have to pay a huge extension fees second time unnecessarily and my children’s international student fees just due to the unlawful and retrospective policies declared by HO day by day.”

Chiranjeet Singh, a financial analyst said “I was promised by home office that as far as I remain economically active in UK for 4 years, I will be getting ILR irrespective of any future immigration rule changes. But the ILR change (April 2006 changes in ILR) was breach of this promise. It has caused unnecessary strain to me and my family. Anyone can imagine, how hard is the decision to uproot a well stable career back home and especially with children. This change means I did not get Mortgage deals that were only available to people with permanent residency. Getting good jobs is more difficult if we have limited leave to stay, as employers usually like to hire people with no immigration restrictions.  This also means I am not able to contribute to British economy to the best of my abilities since with better job I could have paid more taxes and contributed more to the economy.  This change also means that people like me have to pay for an extra HSMP extension fee.”

Mohamed L. Harees said “I came over to the UK in 2004, full of hope, being attracted by the terms of the HSMP prevailing at that time. Sacrificing a well paid top job in a leading bank, uprooting my family from its traditional environment did not pay us dividends. The ILR changes in 2006 which was applied retrospectively shattered all our family expectations, causing immense turmoil and mental and emotional anguish in our lives. Paying unnecessary extension fees, job search difficulties, home travel restrictions and more importantly I am worried about my elder son, who has turned 18, who got a confirmed place in a university, but cannot attend, being not eligible for home fees and I cannot afford the overseas student fees – All as a result of this change. He   has been undergoing untold mental agony, when his other friends are pursuing their career ambitions without hindrance. Even at this last minute, HO can reverse this clear unfairness of the 2006 ILR changes by taking away the retrospective element.”

Jose Roxas, a research scientist “I arrived in the UK in 2004.  Since my arrival, I have been in a full time employment.  I am working as a supply science teacher.  My inability to get ILR this year 2008 after four years of having FLR, had brought me the following difficulties:

1. Inability to apply for the PGCE scholarship to be a full time science teacher
2. Inability to apply for a home mortgage.

3. My son who had completed his A-level in a Ranelagh School had to undergo a ‘gap year’ as I cannot afford the school fee which is being levied to overseas students.”

Dr.Chandra Kanneganti “I am a GP prinicipal, running my own GP surgery business, employing 10 local British people in my organisation. When I applied for HSMP visa in 2004, I was given clear guidance that I will be given ILR in 4 years time, but there has been changes retrospectively, virtually affecting my total belief in the system. As you reach the goal post, the goal post is being changed. I have been paying taxes from 2002 with 40% tax bracket with considerable returns to the community. As 10 people who work in my organisation, depend on my continuance of my business, I am unable to confirm to them that I will be running the business permanently, until I get the ILR. These continuous changes in goal post for ILR causing myself, my family members and my staff considerable distress.”


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